Fiafia, if you don’t know what that is, well it’s when our school cultural groups get together to perform. Our school has it every two years but this year we were lucky because our principal decided to take the stage out onto the field. I was really excited for Fiafia this year. This year was also a special year because it was the 60th anniversary for our school.
“Now you have to select the group that you want to be in this year, remember you have three choices” Mrs Langitupu (our teacher) instructed us. I know I couldn’t pick anything other group then my normal choice Niue because my mother always puts me in it. “Thursday is the day when you all leave to your practice” Mrs Langitupu said. Then the day arrived Thursday.
It approached really quickly the day for fiafia I felt really relaxed on the night. We all strolled to the courts everything so dark and people crowding around my body looking at everybody there looked like more than one-thousand or more people. Going to sit down at the row we were allocated I really started to feel the butterflies in my stomach fluttering around frantically. I really wanted to see the other groups perform their items. We were right after the Uni-Cyclers group.
My mind racing of the things that I should be doing as soon as the performance starts. The conch shell blew and it was all about to start. We started the item with the Hopo (jump), Ta me (action-song) and last was the Takalo (war dance). Once it was over I felt really thankful for everything that the tutors had done but now I just got to sit down and watch the other groups perform.
One of the groups that I really wanted to watch was the Barkerville factor group. Which I think they smashed a car and made beats. If I was to pick another group to, I would have been in the Cook-Island drumming group.
Niue Fiafia 2013
This was a little highlight