Sunday, February 14, 2010

Welcome to Room 15 Darius.
For everyone reading Darius's blog here is a link that takes you to the posts he wrote for his class's blog in Room 12 last year.
Click Here


  1. Hi Darius,
    Wow! you must really like sport. I like how you gave a good description about yourself. I like netball but I guess you wouldn't be into that. You are very lucky to have been able to go to Australia so many times! I wish I could go overseas, I would like to go to visit the Eiffel tower in Paris or eat lots of yummy pasta in Italy. I will keep looking on your blog to see what you are posting. Hope your having fun being in Team 4 and like your new class.
    From Miss Walters

  2. Oops! I shouldn't of said 'yummy' pasta. There are better words to use like delicious, scrumptious or mouth-watering. can you think of any better words to use instead of yummy?
    Miss Walters

  3. Hi Son,
    I like your blog. You skin looks great. I also enjoyed reading your profile too. I am so proud of you. I can't wait to see what exciting work you will be doing in class and sharing with us here on your blog. Work hard Darius, listen to your teacher and do your best all the time.

    Love Mum

  4. Hi Darius,
    Really like the look of your blog. We are happy to see your enjoying school. Dad & I are proud of you just keep working hard son and you will achieve your goals.

    Love you son! Fili & Dad..

  5. Hi nephew,
    hows things?really liking the look of your lil blog thing here,looks great! You're pretty popular,just like your dad and me,lol. Hope all is well with you nephew,keep working hard at school and playing hard on the field. When are you coming back? You've been here more times than i've been home! Keep me updated on all your school and sports stuff on here,lookin forward to reading about it.

    Stay safe and one love,
    Uncle Ailuai

    P.S. Stick to rugby league and the mighty Otahuhu Leopards!

  6. Hi Dari,

    Your blog is really AWESOME! I love your pics & it really sounds like you had alot of fun in Oz (my homeland)...hehehe

    Keep up the good work sweetie, look after yourself & be good to your mother. I'll check in on you via your blog from time to time.

    Love ya x0x0x

  7. Hi Dari

    Layton and Liam had a good time with you when you came over. Aunty and I also miss you. Next time you come over I will beat you at running races at the park as I have been in training.
    Love always.
    Uncle Stevo

    Go the Broncos !
